Vertabelo Academy - the 101
You got 99 problems, like you're Jay.Z? Well, Vertabelo Academy can offer you only 88 of them - it's like Crazy 88, if you're aficionado of Tarantino, you'll surely get the reference there...
2018-07-01, 04:36

Learn SQL with Vertabelo Academy!

This is how Vertabelo Academy offers its SQL practice special set of tasks, that will - all of them - allow you to refresh the skills already acquired during some course of basics in SQL.

Vertabelo Academy logo

But whatever the course was, there may have been some differences with the scoop of the basic material. So, don't hesitate a second more, and get intersted in what Vertabelo Academy has to offer.

The methodology

... of Vertabelo Academy is quite, surprisingly, non academical, in the sense of the word as preference of theoretical deliberations. The concepts are needed only insofar as they make it possible to solve the tutorial problems whcih are modeled on the real life ones.

So, the really deep understanding of SQL is connected with the increasing skill in using its characteristic commands - called queries, functions, subqueries, JOINs and much more.

data sci like a pro - Academy Vertabe-lo!

After completion of our basic course, you'll see and feel how it is to make a progress as a beginning data scientist - and much more top notch educational content will be still there, waiting for you and your passion to learn more and be able to do more with the data. 

Just click here to learn more:

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Vertabelo Academy
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