SQL practice - what it takes to master the skill
Did you hear the news? It's about big data becoming the next big thing - it's actually yesterday's news, and the phenomenon already made to cast a shadow, if you can remember Zuck's pale face after Cambridge Analytica scandal, you know what I mean...
2018-07-01, 04:39

SQL practice for the ambitious ones

Nevertheless, if you are hoping to land a job in data science, because maybe you would like to tap into this current of trendy knowledge, learn SQL! And if you already have some skill in this, some SQL practice will certainly be in place.

practice your SQL skills with Vertabelo Academy!

With Vertabelo Academy, you can be sure, you're getting only top notch educational content. The way we understand an effective SQL practice, it's refreshing, updating and challenging the whole knowledge structure, already embroidered somewhere there in your brain - all the way up.

Keep your skill fresh!

Take the SQL practice package of tasks and you'll start from the simplest ones - using SELECT queries, and then, slowly uilding up, retracing your educational steps, up until the last 2 challenges that require you to intelligently use all of the knowledge you already used for the purpose of solving those real life problems.

Click here for more: academy.vertabelo.com/course/sql-practice-set

Vertabelo Academy offers top notch SQL practice resources

Vertabelo SQL Blogger
Vertabelo Academy
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