SQL interactive courses for all!
Looking for a state of the art SQL interactive course with quality educational resources? Look up Vertabelo Academy.
2018-07-01, 05:13

For SQL online tutorials searchers

The Academy is a repository of SQL online tutorials, teching you all the basic queries of SQL - beginning with  JOIN queries, building up your knowledge throughout the subsequent steps of fully interactive tutorials, featuring tasks modeled on real life problems, which makes you feel like a competent person at every step of the course, as you solve the problems and reach a milestone after a milestone.

for SQL interactive course, remember the name!

For whom we made it for

SQL interactive course from Vertabelo Academy is dedicated for beginning programmers, as well as for those of you who have not had to do with relational databases yet, maybe are even not so familiar with the concept, but use internet enogh to understand how important big data and relational databases became in the last years, in order to see that it may pay off to understand SQL query language and land a job in data science.

Not few of those who have acquired the data sci essential skills have statred with SQL interactive course like the one offered at Vertabelo Academy!

More info accessible here: academy.vertabelo.com/course/sql-queries

take a SQL interactive course and mine THAT!

Vertabelo SQL Blogger
Vertabelo Academy
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