SQL course for you
SQL course for you? Well, certainly that depends what you're looking for - but for sure a hand on, on the job, learning approach seems to work.
2018-07-30, 22:24

Job focused SQL courses

With Vertabelo Academy, as we embrace this approach as fundamental to our course offer, you will learn about the problems a data scientist faces on the job, and you will learn how to deal with them - quickly and effectively.

The SQL courses offer from Vertabelo Academy cover all the basic and more advanced, too, skills, and aspects of query language.

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The scope of learning

From the most simple JOINs functions, to the complex tasks requiring a deep undersanding of the concepts and still being a challenge for those who want to apply them. With Vertabelo Academy, you will learn with no deadlines - there's only you and your internal motivation, we offer you freedom.

But also, we offer you a chance to prove yourself - upon completion of selected SQL courses and passing a final test, Vertabelo Academy will issue a certificate, an evidence of your newly-acquired skill.

See more info here:


top SQL courses available

Vertabelo SQL Blogger
Vertabelo Academy
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