Learn & practice SQL online with Vertabelo Academy
How to effectively practice SQL online? Well, the first thing you need to do is to find a good repository of resources.
2018-07-31, 16:00

What does it take to practice SQL online?

It should combine two features at the same time - should be good for beginners, explaining the basic concepts clearly, and secondly, aimed to turn you into an expert in data science on the spot.

practice SQL online with the best

How to do that ,exactly? Well, there are certina highlights in our approach towards the way SQL should be practices online. First of all, there is a need to give a space to the learner - hence no deadlines from our side.

Vertabelo Academy learning approach

On top of that, we strongly believe in hands on approach - the tasks look like real job that an actual data scientist does. And for this reason, what Vetabelo Academy aims to do as a part of SQL online practice, is letting you learn how to tackle actual problems - use JOINs, handle nulls in the database, behave skilfully in diverse database management systems, and so on.

Wanna know more about practicing SQL online with Vertabelo Academy? Click the link and visit the relevant page: academy.vertabelo.com/blog/18-best-online-resources-for-learning-sql-and-database-concepts/

with whom it's best to practice SQL online? with us!

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