3 years to get an IT job. A feasibility of an act
3 years - is that a long time, or no time? That depends. Is 300 miles a long distance, or a short one? Well, the decisive factor here is the infrastructure, and your vehicle. Say, you're driving a Corvette. With low wuality roads, you won't do nothing. With hi quality roads but a Buick... good luck.
2018-09-15, 10:00

How exatcly is that doable?

What's that all about? Well, simple - the car's your motivation, and the roads, the infrastructre is the educational materials that you can get your hands on. Never tackle people for their lack of motivation if you haven't looked at their opportunities. That's BTW, about jobs in IT.

lots been said about jobs in IT - thriving market, good terms

And if you are decided enough and positive that the content you've got an access to, is a solid one, then's your only thing to do is to follow, get interested, ask questions, be curious, and simply grow.

How long does it take to land an IT job?

In 3 years time, you can definitely land a new job in IT - and with Vertabelo Academy courses, you certainly will, if you really want that, too.

The basic skill you will acquire will get you to the doors of HRs offering junior positions that will take your from a rookie in It world to the level of professional developer. Never steping through a certain door was so easy.

Mind the trap, however. Once the threshold is crossed, you're in. Do you want in...?


aren't jobs in IT fun?

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Vertabelo Academy
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