Vertabelo Academy
Vertabelo Academy | learn SQL by solving problems - on your own pace - with certification!
Python online course for beginners - not to drown in code altogether!
Looking for an efficient course in some basic IT skill that will be just right, teach you all the basic framework thinking about coding, and maybe also, result in getting a new job in this thriving industry? Well, then it seem like it's Python for you now.
IT jobs & career |
2018-09-28, 12:13
Top data science influencers - how will they MAKE you?
Thinking of being a professional in data science? Well, the foundations and basic skill are, obviously, crucial, but there are more things that need to be done. First and foremost, you need to dive deep into the ever evolving world of techologies that are the cornerstone of data analysis and applied data science in various business contexts.
IT jobs & career |
2018-09-20, 00:05
3 years to get an IT job. A feasibility of an act
3 years - is that a long time, or no time? That depends. Is 300 miles a long distance, or a short one? Well, the decisive factor here is the infrastructure, and your vehicle. Say, you're driving a Corvette. With low wuality roads, you won't do nothing. With hi quality roads but a Buick... good luck.
IT jobs & career |
2018-09-15, 10:00
Data visualization - crucial knot in human-machine interaction
Frankly, that might seem like a secondary job. Data is important, data driven decisions are crucial. But the visualization? Is that a job that is only as a preparation of slideshows for internal conferences, and such? Well, there's nothing more wrong about that. See how.
IT jobs & career |
2018-09-10, 23:58
SQL programming courses - for whom are they?
In this entry, we attempt to explain how online courses in SQLprogramming and other coding languages is a great opprotunity for you.
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2018-09-01, 21:10
SQL learning for you! The introductory words
Looking for opportunities in SQL learning? Well, all we can say as people who deal with SQL professionally, is: good for you! Since there's a technological boom for queries and data science, it's great that you've got yourself interested!
Learn SLQ |
2018-09-01, 21:03
Learn & practice SQL online with Vertabelo Academy
How to effectively practice SQL online? Well, the first thing you need to do is to find a good repository of resources.
Learn SLQ |
2018-07-31, 16:00
Postgres COALESCE tutorial recommendation
Are you a beginner in SQL learning? Well, Vertabelo Academy is here for you - offering top notch online resources for learning the language of queries, and a whole programme for learners which is strongly focued on practice. For instance, in Postgres COALESCE...
Learn SLQ |
2018-07-31, 14:37
SQL for beginners tutorials | Vertabelo Academy!
Looking for SQL for beginners online learning resources repository? Well, you couldn't have got into a better place than Vertabelo Academy.
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2018-07-31, 04:30
SQL course for you
SQL course for you? Well, certainly that depends what you're looking for - but for sure a hand on, on the job, learning approach seems to work.
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2018-07-30, 22:24
String functions in SQL with examples | top VA resources
Looking for string functions in SQL with examples? Surely you are a bit more advanced SQL scholar, aren't you? Vertabelo Academy is therefore a perfect place for you too look in.
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2018-07-01, 05:18
SQL interactive courses for all!
Looking for a state of the art SQL interactive course with quality educational resources? Look up Vertabelo Academy.
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2018-07-01, 05:13
Learn SLQ |
How to learn SQL? Well, when I ask around my pals, who graduated from tech univerisites with IT diplomas, or the like, all of them say pretty much the same thing...
Learn SLQ |
2018-07-01, 04:43
SQL practice - what it takes to master the skill
Did you hear the news? It's about big data becoming the next big thing - it's actually yesterday's news, and the phenomenon already made to cast a shadow, if you can remember Zuck's pale face after Cambridge Analytica scandal, you know what I mean...
Learn SLQ |
2018-07-01, 04:39
Vertabelo Academy - the 101
You got 99 problems, like you're Jay.Z? Well, Vertabelo Academy can offer you only 88 of them - it's like Crazy 88, if you're aficionado of Tarantino, you'll surely get the reference there...
Learn SLQ |
2018-07-01, 04:36

Vertabelo Academy

Looking for an effective way to learn SQL on your own terms, but effectively, with minimum unnecessary stuff to learn, and to help you master the SQL skills, become a data science expert in no time, and, some time in the future, land a job in data sci, or if you are already working with relational databases, deepen your SQL knowledge with expert-riented tutorials and courses, tests and challenges?

Vertabelo Academy has all that and more! Take a look at our offer and teaching approach, and you'll fall for it! For starters, we stropngly believe in efficacy of hands-on approach, and thus hand over to you only real life problems to solve and practice your understanding and ability to apply concepts, as well as real databases. For your motivation, we don't use deadlines - it's only your own pace that matters here - you decide when to learn! But on the other hand, there arecertifications of the skills you master, that you can add to oyur LinkedIn profile, for instance!

See more about Vertabelo Academy SQL online learning offer, clicking the links below:

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